Find all the information you need to set up Deck Hopper and my extensions for your SAMMI.

Random Bunny


Getting Started with SAMMI

Learn how to download and install SAMMI, and set it up for your stream in less than 15 minutes. P.S.: SAMMI is completely free!

Installing an Extension

Step-by-step guide to installing SAMMI extensions.

Official SAMMI Website

Visit the official SAMMI website for more information and resources.

This guide assumes you have OBS Studio installed. If not, please download it from here. SAMMI does not support any other platforms.

I created this guide as the founder of SAMMI to help you get started with SAMMI. Please be aware that this is not an official SAMMI guide, as I am no longer actively involved in SAMMI’s development. My current focus is on Deck Hopper and my personal extensions.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to get SAMMI up and running for your stream.

Download SAMMI

  1. Download SAMMI from SAMMI Solutions.

  2. Unpack the .zip file to a folder on your PC. A location like E:/stream works best; please do not place it into Program Files or C:/Users folders, etc.

  3. Navigate to the unpacked SAMMI folder and find SAMMI Core.exe. Open it. This is your main SAMMI editor, where you'll create all your new decks, buttons, etc.

Connect SAMMI to your OBS Studio

  • Ensure your OBS Studio is running.
  • Navigate to Tools > Websocket Server Settings.
  • Make sure Enable Websockets Server is checked.
  • For easy setup, uncheck Enable Authentication for now. You can set up a password later.
  • In SAMMI, go to SAMMI > OBS Connections and click on Connect.
  • You should see the status indicator for Main OBS in the bottom left corner change from red to green. You're now connected to OBS, which means SAMMI can communicate with OBS, send it commands, and react to various OBS events, such as changing scenes. Yay!

Setup Bridge

  1. Add Bridge to your OBS dock

    • Bridge is another essential SAMMI component. It serves as a communication layer between your SAMMI and all your installed extensions. 99% of extensions you install live in Bridge, so you need to keep Bridge running at all times for them to work.
    • The easiest way is to add Bridge as your OBS dock:
      • In OBS, navigate to Docks > Custom Browser Docks….
      • Name your new dock "Bridge" and set the URL to the path of the bridge.html file located in your SAMMI/bridge folder. You can retrieve it by clicking on Bridge > Copy Full Path in SAMMI.
      • Press Apply. You should see your new dock. If it does not appear, go to View > Docks > Bridge.
      • Fit your new dock somewhere on your OBS screen as you see fit.
  2. Connect Bridge to SAMMI

  • To enable SAMMI to interact with Twitch, such as sending chat messages, you need to link your Twitch account. If you want to link YouTube instead, please skip to the next step.
  • Ensure you're logged into your main SAMMI account on
  • Navigate to SAMMI > Twitch Connections and click the big + button.
  • A new page will open. Authorize SAMMI.
  • Your Twitch account should now appear in the Twitch Connections menu in SAMMI.
  • Ensure the Receive Events From and Send Message As dropdowns are populated with your Twitch account.
  • Press Done and check the light indicators on the left side of SAMMI - both Twitch Eventsub and Twitch Chat should be green. Twitch is now connected!

Note: You can connect multiple Twitch accounts and assign different functionalities to each, but this guide will not cover that.

  • Navigate to SAMMI > YouTube Connection and press the Obtain a Token button.
  • Follow all on-screen instructions and ensure you select your YouTube account.
  • Once done, copy and paste the refresh token and press Link. Your YouTube account is now connected!

Create Your First Deck and Button

  1. In SAMMI, click the big + to create a new deck.
  2. Double-click anywhere on the grid to create a new button.
  3. Right-click the button to edit its Appearance, such as adding text or changing colors. We can name it 'My Button'.
  4. Once done, double-click the button to open the command editor.
  5. Add a Command:
    • Click the + sign to add a new command.
    • Type Twitch chat and select the Twitch: Send chat message command.
    • Fill out the chat message you want to send and Save the button.
    • Now, every time the button triggers, it will send the specified chat message to your Twitch channel.

Testing the Button

  • Use Deck Hopper, a virtual stream deck available for all platforms, to access and interact with your decks and buttons.

Download and Set Up Deck Hopper

Deck Hopper is completely free to use! You can upgrade to Pro anytime to unlock all advanced features, but all basic features are 100% free.

  1. Download the Desktop version from Deck Hopper Download.
  2. Install Deck Hopper on the same machine running SAMMI Core.
  3. Optionally, use Deck Hopper on other devices on the same local network by following the Setup Guide.
  4. First-Time Setup:
    • Upon opening Deck Hopper, you're welcome to read the tutorial or later refer to the Deck Hopper Setup.
    • On the Deck Hopper connection screen, press Connect (assuming Deck Hopper is on the same computer as SAMMI).
    • You should see your first deck. Click on the deck, which will take you to the deck screen. And there's your first button!
    • Try pressing the button, which will run the command you set up in SAMMI Core. In this case, it will send a chat message to your Twitch channel.
    • Check your Twitch chat to see the message from SAMMI!

SAMMI Triggers

  • Triggers allow buttons to run automatically based on specific events, such as new Twitch subscribers or YouTube chat messages.
  • Attaching a Trigger:
    • Navigate back to SAMMI Core.
    • Double-click the deck you created and right-click the desired button.
    • Select Edit Triggers.
    • Press the + button to add a new trigger.
    • Start typing Twitch message and select Twitch Chat Message from the list.
    • Configure the trigger (e.g., set the message to hello).
    • Save the trigger and Save the deck. Don't forget to save the deck every time you make changes.
    • Now, every time someone sends the message hello in your Twitch chat, the button will trigger and send a chat message you set up earlier.

Install Extensions

  • Extensions extend SAMMI's functionality by connecting it to other apps like Spotify, Discord, Twitter, or your custom applications.
  • They can also add new commands and triggers.
  • Check out the Extension Setup Guide to learn more about installing them.

Go Further!

Getting Help

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, check out the Official SAMMI Community Page for more resources and support.

You can also join my personal Patreon page for early access to new SAMMI extensions, Deck Hopper betas, and priority help. Your support is greatly appreciated!