Find all the information you need to set up Deck Hopper and my extensions for your SAMMI.

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Extension Tips

What Are Extensions?

For general information about extensions, see the How to Setup Extensions guide.

General Tips


When you install an extension, part of its code is added to your Bridge file, and the rest, such as the extension deck, is integrated into your SAMMI Core.

Bridge and SAMMI Core

Both Bridge and SAMMI Core must be running to use extensions. While some extensions only provide a deck for SAMMI Core, most require Bridge.

Inside Bridge, each tab represents a different extension. Switch between tabs to access your installed extensions. Some extensions add interface elements in Bridge, which you can show or hide using the bottom menu.

Bridge extension tab

Browser Compatibility

Recommendation: Always run Bridge as a dock inside OBS. Most extensions are designed for this setup. Browsers might put the HTML file to sleep after some time, causing issues with extensions that poll for data.

How to Refresh Bridge

Refresh Bridge by:

  • Navigating to SAMMI → Bridge → Reload Bridge (only if Bridge is currently connected to SAMMI).
  • Opening Bridge and clicking the Refresh button in the bottom menu.

Recommended Practice

Refresh Bridge each time you relaunch SAMMI Core to ensure all extensions load correctly.

Premade Decks

Most extensions include a premade deck that integrates automatically with SAMMI Core upon installation. This deck typically contains example buttons to help you get started.

Custom Buttons

When you reinstall an extension and press 'Yes' to replace the deck, it overrides the premade deck. To preserve custom buttons/commands, create a separate deck instead of adding to the premade deck.

Premade Deck

Extension Commands

After installing an extension, new extension commands become available in SAMMI. Use them in any button or deck, just like SAMMI’s native commands.

Available extension commands from having multiple extensions installed

Some extensions also add extension triggers to listen for events. Use these triggers to create buttons that respond to specific events. Refer to the extension documentation or premade buttons to see available triggers.

Example of a new trigger added with Donation Triggers extension

Waiting for Data

Most extension commands that return data require a waiting period because they fetch data from external services. Attempting to use data immediately can cause issues.

Solution: Use the Wait Until Variable Exists command to ensure the data is ready before proceeding. If the button is set to persistent, delete the variable beforehand to prevent the 'wait' command from skipping.

Example of using Wait Until Variable Exists command

Extension Updates

Check if your extensions are up to date via the Extensions tab in Bridge. If the extension developer hasn't set this up, the Latest Version field will be blank, and you'll need to check the original source for updates.

Extension updates tab in Bridge

Updating an Extension:

  1. Reinstall the extension following the initial installation steps.
  2. SAMMI will prompt you to replace the extension in Bridge.
  3. SAMMI will also ask if you want to replace the premade deck in SAMMI Core.

Should I Replace the Deck?
Some extensions only require Bridge code updates. I mention this in the extension's update notes on

If a full reinstall, including the deck, is needed, back up any custom buttons and commands in the extension's deck.

Keeping Everything Organized

If you need to use a button from an extension's premade deck in another deck, Deck Hopper Pro offers a Proxy Buttons feature.

This allows you to create shortcuts to buttons in other decks, keeping your buttons organized and avoiding duplication.

Proxy Buttons feature in Deck Hopper Pro


Always install extensions from trusted sources—either those listed in this documentation (developed solely by me) or the official SAMMI website.

This protects your data and computer from potential harm. Malicious SAMMI extensions could steal your Twitch tokens and any API keys stored in SAMMI, so always verify the source before installing.


Extension not appearing in Bridge

There are a few reasons why an extension might not appear as a tab in Bridge after installation:

  1. The extension only provides a premade deck for SAMMI Core, and doesn't require Bridge. For example, my Spotify extension doesn't have a tab in Bridge.
  2. The extension tab is hidden. Click on Show All Tabs in the bottom menu in Bridge to reveal all tabs.
  3. You installed the extension in a different Bridge file. Check the Bridge file you're using by going to SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Select a Bridge, select the Bridge file you're currently running and reinstall the extension.

Extension Commands saying SAMMI Bridge is not connected

There are a few reasons why an extension command might not be available in SAMMI Core:

  1. Bridge is not running. Ensure Bridge is running, either as a dock in OBS or in a browser.
  2. Bridge is running, but is not connected to SAMMI.
    Try reloading Bridge by going to Bridge and clicking the 'Refresh' button in the bottom menu. If that doesn't work, refer to the Bridge Not Loading or Connecting to SAMMI section.
  3. Bridge is running, is connected to SAMMI, but the extension commands are still not available. Double check you don't have multiple instances of SAMMI Core or Bridge running.
  4. The extension is not installed in Bridge. Reinstall the extension via SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Install Extension.
  5. The extension is not installed in the correct Bridge file. Check the Bridge file you're using by going to SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Select a Bridge, select the Bridge file you're currently running and reinstall the extension by going to SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Install Extension.

Bridge Not Loading or Connecting to SAMMI

  • The extension you installed last might be causing the issue.
  • Solution: Uninstall the extension via SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Uninstall Extension, then manually refresh Bridge. Contact the extension developer for further assistance.

Get a Fresh Bridge

Sometimes, you might need to get a fresh Bridge file to resolve issues. Here's how to do it:

  1. Download Bridge from Github by clicking Download Raw file.
  2. Save it in your SAMMI/bridge folder.
  3. In SAMMI, go to Bridge → Select Bridge File and choose the new bridge.html file.

Reinstall All Extensions:

Backup Custom Buttons

Before reinstalling extensions, back up any custom buttons and commands to prevent data loss.

  1. Navigate to SAMMI → SAMMI Bridge → Install all extensions from folder.
  2. Go to the SAMMI\bridge\extensions\installed folder where all your installed extensions are located.
  3. Select one of the extensions in the folder to reinstall all extensions at once.
  4. When SAMMI asks you if you wish to replace all the decks, press No and decide for each extension individually.

Get More Help

  1. Consult Documentation: For general SAMMI tips, visit the SAMMI Official Documentation. For common extension issues, refer to this page, and for specific troubleshooting, check the extension's documentation.
  2. Join Discord: Visit the official SAMMI Discord server and post in the #extensions channel. We're all here to help!
  3. Priority Support: If using an extension I developed, you can join my Patreon for priority support (tier-dependent).
How To Setup Extensions