Find all the information you need to set up Deck Hopper and my extensions for your SAMMI.

Random Bunny

SAMMI Extensions

Advanced Button Functions

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Easily run a random button, check if a button is running or blocked, and more!


  • Run a random button from a specified deck or group
  • Check if a button is currently running, in queue (and how many are in queue), or blocked
  • Retrieve all running and blocked buttons
  • Stop all buttons in a selected deck
  • Get buttons by triggers
  • Retrieve button information (deck name, group ID, image name, init variables, etc.)

Comes with a premade deck containing all available commands and explanations.



This extension may stop working if there are significant updates to SAMMI Core. If that happens, please contact the developer for an update.

  1. Ensure you're on the latest version of SAMMI.
  2. Install the extension. You can follow the Extension Install Guide.
  3. Press the red INIT button and wait for an alert indicating the extension is loaded. This only needs to be done once, as it will load automatically whenever you connect to Bridge.
  4. Review the premade deck "Advanced Button Functions" for all available extension commands.

Available Commands

Command Usage Reminder

These commands require a waiting period before 'Save Variable As' is populated. Use the Wait Until Variable Exists command, and remember to delete the variable you're waiting for beforehand.

Run Random Deck Button

Command Name: ADVBTN Run Random Deck Button

Runs a random button from a specified deck.

Box NameExplanation
Deck IDThe ID of the deck you want to run a random button from.
QueuableWhether to run the button as queueable.
Exclude ButtonsComma-separated button IDs to exclude (e.g., ID1, ID2).
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the random button ID.

Run Random Group Button

Command Name: ADVBTN Run Random Group Button

Runs a random button from a specified group.

Box NameExplanation
Group NameThe group name to randomly run the button from.
QueuableWhether to run the button as queueable.
Exclude ButtonsComma-separated button IDs to exclude (e.g., ID1, ID2).
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the random button ID.

Get Running Buttons

Command Name: ADVBTN Get Running Buttons

Retrieves all currently running button IDs in an array (not real-time, reflects state when executed).

Box NameExplanation
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the array into.

Get Blocked Buttons

Command Name: ADVBTN Get Blocked Buttons

Retrieves all currently blocked button IDs in an array (not real-time, reflects state when executed).

Box NameExplanation
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the array into.

Get All Buttons By Trigger

Command Name: ADVBTN Get All Buttons By Trigger

Retrieves an array of all button IDs the selected trigger is attached to.

Box NameExplanation
Trigger TypeTrigger type to get the button IDs attached to.
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the array into.

Check Running Button

Command Name: ADVBTN Check Running Button

Checks if the given button is currently running, returns true/false (not real-time, reflects state when executed).

Box NameExplanation
Button IDButton ID to check if it's running.
Save Variable AsVariable name to save the result into.

Stop Buttons By Deck

Command Name: ADVBTN Stop Buttons By Deck

Stops all buttons in the specified deck.

Box NameExplanation
Deck IDThe ID of the deck you want to stop all buttons in.
Stop OngoingWhether to stop ongoing buttons.
Stop QueuedWhether to stop queued buttons.
Exclude SelfWhether to exclude the button that triggered the command.

Unblock All Buttons

Command Name: ADVBTN Unblock All Buttons

Unblocks all currently blocked buttons, including those in disabled decks. A yellow notification alert is displayed if successful.

Get Help

Please see Troubleshooting for common extensions issues.

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