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SAMMI Extensions

Auto Deck Backup

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Auto Deck Backup allows you to automatically back up your decks to both local and cloud (GitHub) storage. Set custom backup intervals and choose your preferred storage location.


  • Backup Decks Locally
  • Backup Decks to GitHub (optional)
  • Set Backup Interval
  • Automatically Delete Old Backups (Local only)
  • Cloud Backup with Encryption
  • Includes premade deck with all available commands and explanations

Platform Compatibility

This extension may not work properly on non-Windows devices.


Data Loss Disclaimer

The developer is not responsible for any data loss, corruption, or cloud storage issues caused by the extension.

  1. Install the extension. You can follow the Extension Install Guide.

  2. Configure the extension through the Settings button in the premade deck:

    Path Limitation

    Avoid using paths with special or non-English characters.

    1. Local Backups
      • Enable Local Backups: Check this option to enable local backups.
      • Backup Folder Path: Specify the folder path for backups. The default is SAMMI/ext/Auto Deck Backup.
      • Backup Frequency: Set the backup frequency in minutes.
      • Auto Remove Old Backups: Choose to automatically delete old backups.
      • Max. Backup Days: Set the number of days to retain backup files (if auto-removal is enabled).
    2. Cloud Backups
      • Enable Cloud Backups: Check this option to enable cloud backups.
      • Backup Frequency: Set the backup frequency in minutes.
      • GitHub Username: Enter your GitHub username.
      • GitHub Repo: Enter the repository name for backups.
      • GitHub Branch: Enter the branch name (default is "main").
      • GitHub Token: Enter your fine-grained GitHub token with write access to the backup repository.
      • Encryption Password: Set a password for AES-256 encryption (Warning: if forgotten, files cannot be restored).
  3. Click Save and OK to apply the settings, then reload your Bridge. Ensure that backups are successfully created.

Setup your Github account and repository for cloud backups

  1. Create a GitHub account if needed.
  2. Navigate to GitHub, click on the + sign dropdown, and select New Repository.
  3. Set the name for your new repository, and make it Private. Click on Create Repository.
  4. Go to Settings in GitHub, select Developer Settings, then click Personal Access Tokens and Generate New Token.
  5. Configure token settings:
    • Name your new token and set its expiration date (you'll need to regularly refresh in SAMMI when it expires).
    • Under Repository Access, choose Only select repositories and select the backup repository you created in step 2.
    • Under Permissions, set Repository - Contents: Read and write.
    • Click Generate Token.
    • Save the generated token somewhere safe, and input it in the GitHub Token box inside the Settings button in your premade deck.

Restoring Decks from Backups

Data Loss Warning

Restoring decks will overwrite your current decks data. Ensure you have a backup of your current decks data before proceeding.

Local Backups

  1. Manually back up your current decks_data.json file located in SAMMI/json/decks_data.json.
    You can locate this file by pressing Open Current Decks Data Folder button in the premade deck.
  2. Navigate to the backup folder by pressing Open Local Backup Folder button.
  3. Find and rename the backup file you wish to restore to decks_data.json.
  4. Move this renamed file to SAMMI/json folder, replacing the existing decks_data.json file.
    WARNING: This will overwrite your current decks data.
  5. Reopen SAMMI.

Cloud Backups

  1. Manually back up your current decks_data.json file found in SAMMI/json/decks_data.json.
    You can locate this folder by pressing Open Current Decks Data Folder button in the premade deck.
  2. Navigate to the repository by pressing**"Open Backup Repository** button.
  3. Download the file you wish to restore.
  4. Use "Decrypt Cloud Backup File" button to decrypt this file.
  5. Rename the decrypted backup file to decks_data.json.
  6. Move this renamed file to SAMMI/json folder, replacing the existing decks_data.json file.
    WARNING: This will overwrite your current decks data.
  7. Reopen SAMMI.

Get Help

Please see Troubleshooting for common extensions issues.

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