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SAMMI Extensions

Palworld Triggers

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Palworld Triggers is an extension for SAMMI that allows you to listen to specific in-game events and trigger buttons within SAMMI.


  • Pal Captured and Incubated: Triggered when a pal is captured or incubated, providing details like pal level, name, passive skills, and capture count.
  • Base Invasion Alerts: Triggered when your base is under attack or visited by an NPC, providing details like enemy names.
  • Chat Message Integration: Captures all in-game chat messages, allowing you to view details like the message sender.
  • Complete Pal Inventory: Retrieves a list of all your owned pals and their names, levels, skills, and more.
  • API Commands for Dedicated Servers:
    • Get server info and metrics.
    • Retrieve the list of current players.
    • Send announcement messages in chat.
    • Kick, ban, and unban players from the server.
    • Save & shut down the server remotely.

Beta Release

This extension requires the download of RE-UE4SS as a dependency. The extension has been extensively tested on a dedicated server, and should be fully functional in single-player and public servers. However, as this is a beta release, some features may not be fully polished.

May Break with Updates

Updates to Palworld may break functionality. Please report any issues in the official SAMMI Discord server.


Initial Setup

  1. Download UE4SS: Go to UE4SS's GitHub releases page and download the latest version (e.g., or later).
  2. Extract UE4SS into Palworld Folder:
    • Extract the zip contents to Pal/Binaries/Win64 in your Palworld game folder.
    • If installed via Steam, the path is usually SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64.
  3. Download Palworld Triggers Extension: Get the extension from or Ko-fi.
  4. Install the Extension in Palworld:
    • Open the downloaded Palworld Triggers zip file.
    • Drag and drop the Mods folder into Pal\Binaries\Win64.
  5. Install Extension in SAMMI: Ensure SAMMI is up-to-date, then install the Palworld Triggers extension. You can follow the Extension Install Guide.
  6. Configure the Extension:
    • In your Palworld folder, navigate to Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\SAMMI\Scripts.
    • Open the config.lua file with a text editor.
    • Locate the filePath key and change its value to the path of your Palworld folder. You can get this path easily by pressing the "Get Palworld Folder Path" button in the premade Palworld Triggers deck in SAMMI.
    • Optionally decide what triggers you wish to listen to by changing the values inside config.lua file. By default, all triggers are enabled.
  7. Test the Installation: Launch Palworld and test events like capturing a pal. Look for a yellow alert in SAMMI confirming functionality.

Pal Captured

Triggered when a pal is captured or incubated, with details such as:

Pull ValueDescriptionExample
palNameThe name of the captured palRelaxaurus
levelThe level of the pal15
isLuckyPal1 for lucky, 0 for normal0
isBossPal1 for boss, 0 for normal0
captureCountHow many captured so far16
passiveSkillsArray of passive skills["Musclehead", "Ferocious"]

Get All Pals

To get all pals, send !pt pals in chat. This pulls an array of objects for each pal:

Pull ValueDescriptionExample
palNameThe name of the palRelaxaurus
nickNameThe nickname of the palMy Relaxing Pal
levelThe level of the pal
hpHealth points2638000
rankPartner level1
slotIndexSlot number (party/palbox)10
isLuckyPal1 for lucky, 0 for normal0
isBossPal1 for boss, 0 for normal0
masteredSkillsArray of mastered skills["Dragon Cannon", "Air Cannon"]
activeSkillsArray of active skills["Flare Arrow", "Sand Tornado"]
passiveSkillsArray of passive skills["Artisan", "Serious"]

Base Invasions

Triggered during base attacks or NPC visits. Use Trigger Pull Data for details:

Pull ValueDescriptionExample
typeEvent typeInvasion Started
groupNameName of invading groupSyndicate Legends
biomeTypeType of biomeMeadow
messageEvent messageArea Invasion
character_AName of first enemy/visitorSyndicate Grenadier
invaderTypeType of invaderInvader Enemy

Chat Message

Triggers on new chat messages:

Pull ValueDescriptionExample
senderSender's nameChristina
categoryChat categoryGlobal
messageMessage contenthello world

Enable or Disable Triggers

To stop listening for Palworld events, disable the Palworld Triggers deck and delete Mods\SAMMI\enabled.txt, then restart.
To re-enable, press INIT, restore enabled.txt, and restart.

API Server Setup

Works on Dedicated Servers Only

To enable Palworld API:

  1. Navigate to your Palworld Server -> PalWorldSettings.ini file
      • For example, the path for Steam is SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini
    • If you use a 3rd party to modify your server settings, open that instead
  2. Add or modify the following values in OptionSettings:
    • RESTAPIEnabled=true
    • RESTAPIPort=8212
    • AdminPassword="YOURPASSWORD" (must NOT be empty)
  3. Save the ini file and restart the Palworld server.
    • In the Server log, you should see: REST API started on port 8212
  4. Fill out the following inside the Setup Server API button in the Palworld Triggers deck:
    • Server Address: if hosted locally, else insert the server address
    • Server Port: 8212 (or whatever you set it to in step 2)
    • Do Not Include Port: Check this if the port is already a part of the server address
    • Server Password: YOURPASSWORD (whatever you set it to in step 2)
  5. Reload Bridge.

API Commands

Available commands include:

  • Get Server Info
  • Get Currently Connected Players
  • Get Server Settings
  • Get Server Metrics
  • Announce message in chat
  • Kick, ban and unban players
  • Save the world
  • Shutdown and force stop the server

All commands and examples are found in the "Send API Command" button in the deck.

Get Help

Please see Troubleshooting for common extensions issues.

Palworld Paldex