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SAMMI Extensions

Twitch Chat Logs

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This is an extension that allows you to retrieve and search through any Twitch VOD chat logs. No initial setup required, fully automatic!


  • Save VOD chat log
  • Search VOD chat log for keywords
  • Get VOD chatters
  • Get VOD messages by chatter

Unofficial API

The extension uses an unofficial Twitch API, and it may stop functioning or require updates if the API changes. Your Twitch credentials are not used by this extension.


  1. Install the extension. You can follow the Extension Install Guide.
  2. In your Premade deck, no setup is required. Do not change, modify or delete 'INIT' button in any way.
  3. Make sure your Bridge is running at all times when using the extension.

Persistent Button

Any button using the commands below must be persistent to work correctly.

Command Usage Reminder

These commands require a waiting period before 'Save Variable As' is populated. Use the Wait Until Variable Exists command, and remember to delete the variable you're waiting for beforehand.

Save VOD Chat Log

Saves the whole Twitch VOD Chat log to a file and/or an array inside SAMMI.
If there are more than 1000 messages, the result will be saved only to a text file, even if Save to File is not checked, to prevent any lag inside SAMMI.

Box NameDescription
Twitch VOD IDVOD ID to save the chat log of. Can be retrieved from the VOD url, i.e. for the VOD ID would be 1661055519
Save VariableArray name to save the results into, will be saved as a local button variable
Save to FileWhether you wish to save the results into a txt file. Will be saved into YOUR SAMMI FOLDER/Ext/twitch_chat_logs/chat_log_/$vodID$/.txt. The file will be overriden if you perform the same query for the same VOD ID again
KeywordNot applicable
Full WordNot applicable
Case SensitiveNot applicable

Example showing a result saved in an array and a text file:

Search VOD Chat Log

Searches the whole chat log of a given VOD for the selected keyword and saves the result to a file or an array.

Box NameDescription
Twitch VOD IDVOD ID to save the chat log of. Can be retrieved from the VOD url, i.e. for the VOD ID would be 1661055519
KeywordKeyword to search the chat log for
Full WordWhether to search only for full words
Case SensitiveWhether to return only case match results
Save VariableArray name to save the results into, will be saved as a local button variable
Save to FileWhether you wish to save the results into a txt file. Will be saved into YOUR SAMMI FOLDER/Ext/twitch_chat_logs/chat_log_search_/$keyword$/_/$vodID$/.txt. The file will be overriden if you perform the same query for the same VOD ID again

Get VOD Chatters

Searches the whole chat log of a given VOD for all users who sent at least one chat message and saves the result to a file or an array.

Box NameDescription
Twitch VOD IDVOD ID to search for chatters. Can be retrieved from the VOD url, i.e. for the VOD ID would be 1661055519
Save VariableArray name to save the results into, will be saved as a local button variable
Save to FileWhether you wish to save the results into a txt file. Will be saved into YOUR SAMMI FOLDER/Ext/twitch_chat_logs/chat_log_chatters_/$vodID$/.txt. The file will be overriden if you perform the same query for the same VOD ID again
KeywordNot applicable
Full WordNot applicable
Case SensitiveNot applicable

Get VOD Messages By Chatter

Searches the whole chat log of a given VOD for the selected chatter's messages and saves the result to a file or an array.

Box NameDescription
Twitch VOD IDVOD ID to search for chatters. Can be retrieved from the VOD url, i.e. for the VOD ID would be 1661055519
KeywordChatter username to search for
Save VariableArray name to save the results into, will be saved as a local button variable
Save to FileWhether you wish to save the results into a txt file. Will be saved into YOUR SAMMI FOLDER/Ext/twitch_chat_logs/chat_log_chatters_/$vodID$/.txt. The file will be overriden if you perform the same query for the same VOD ID again
Full WordNot applicable
Case SensitiveNot applicable

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Please see Troubleshooting for common extensions issues.

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